Monday, September 29, 2008

4th of July Camping Trip

Rob and I met at Detroit Lake camping off of Breitenbush Rd. It is an annual trip(s) to head up there to camp with some of our friends. We didn't get a chance to go last year because Robby was so new and since we don't camp in regulated areas, but we tried it out this year and it wasn't bad at'll see from the pictures we had a "pet" fence set up and he actually preferred being in there. Our friends the Heimerdinger's, Thomas', and Jaime White and his girlfriend Christy (sp?) camped with us.

My guys!
Addison Almero joined us for a little while...they liked the fenced in area for a little while.
Dude..I think this kid is half monkey!
The little monkey all worn out. I loved this area...I think the adults liked hanging out in there more.
My guys this pic! Atticus Heimerdinger...he was such a trooper. He also was mezmerized by the fire like his dad. I want to say he was a little over 5 months here.
Climbing out of our camping bed. We slept in the back of the truck. It was quite cozy.
We went to watch fireworks late so the next morning he jabbered and pointed to the sky for 20 minutes before Rob finally had to tell me he was telling me about the fireworks. Video to come of this later.
Right before we left I let him pretend to roast a marshmallow. He was always sleeping when we did it late at night. That smile is sheer happiness!